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Restorative and Cosmetic Dentistry

Composite (white) fillings


Composite restorations, also known as white fillings are metal-free acrylic resin restorations. A filling is placed once a cavity is removed. The restoration fills and seals the opening, creating a secure bond around tooth.

Benefits of composite fillings include:

  • mercury-free, metal-free

  • safe for pregnant women

  • tooth color shades blend with tooth structure

  • bonds to teeth therefore minimal preparation is required

  • white fillings can replace old amalgam (metal) restorations for a beautiful and uniform smile

  • less likely to lead to heat and cold sensitivity since composite fillings do not conduct temperature

Crowns and Bridges

A dental crown is a restoration that covers or caps a tooth to its normal size and shape. Crowns offer an improved appearance and strength. Crowns are recommended for cracked teeth, when a filling is too large to protect the tooth, to attach a bridge, after a root canal or to cover a poorly shaped or discolored tooth.

A crown procedure generally takes two appointments. During your first visit the tooth will be prepared, impressions or a 3D scan of the area will be taken and our team will fit you with a temporary crown. Your second visit will  be scheduled about two weeks later. During this appointment your permanent crown will be placed.

Permanent bridges consist of a number of crowns fused together. They replace missing teeth and offer more comfort to patients than a removable appliance.



Cosmetic veneers and porcelain shells can be bonded to the front surface of teeth. Veneers improve the appearance, function, and alignment of teeth. The porcelain offers natural, clean, and a durable material for a long lasting beautiful smile.

Want to have a magazine ready smile? Ask us if you are a candidate during your exam.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. Implants help improve chewing and speaking. A dental implant is a small metal post that is surgically placed into the bone, replacing the root of a missing tooth. A crown is then placed, resulting in a fully functional restoration that is virtually identical to an original tooth and does not come in and out of the mouth. Dental implants can replace a single tooth or provide a whole arch support.

Root Canals

When the pulp of the tooth becomes infected due to decay or injury, it may cause excruciating pain or become abscessed. Without removing the infectious tissue through a root canal, the tooth is at risk of being lost. Advanced dentistry makes root canals more effective and comfortable than ever before and allows your tooth to be saved. During treatment, the infected tissue is removed and the deep canals of the tooth are cleaned, sterilized, and filled with a rubber-like material. Once the process is complete, we recommend placing a crown to strengthen and protect the tooth from possible fracture in the future.


Our goal is to help you preserve as much of your healthy, natural tooth structure as possible. However, certain types of damage and trauma can make a tooth unfit for restorative treatment. If we cannot save your tooth, then we can carefully remove it to prevent the spread of infection or injury to your supportive gum tissues and jawbone. After an extraction, we can also provide you with options for replacing your missing tooth and restoring your smile’s beauty and function..