Fixing Crooked Teeth In Adults


Who doesn’t want a beautiful smile? But, if you’re an adult with crooked teeth, getting them straightened with braces can be problematic. After all, braces are supposed to be for teens, right? Wrong. In fact, there are orthodontics that are pretty much invisible. Either kind of brace below can only be used to treat many adults with crooked teeth after your general dentist or orthodontist has first taken photos, and X-rays as well as a mold (impression) of your teeth. If your mouth is crowded, preventing the tooth or teeth from moving into the correct position, one or more teeth may need to be pulled or extracted first.

Lingual braces are placed on the back of the teeth. They are called lingual because that medical term refers to the tongue, and the tongue touches the back surface of your teeth. The small brackets for these braces have to be glued to the inner side of the teeth. And then elastics (like rubber bands) and a wire is attached to the brackets, but none of this will be readily. This type of brace is not right for everyone, and they are usually more expensive than conventional metal braces. In addition, because your tongue makes contact with the bracket, these braces may cause some pain on the tongue, at least at first. And you also may temporarily have a lisp.

A second type is Invisalign. This type of brace is placed on the front of the teeth, but it’s clear. An invisible aligner, which is a clear plastic form, is fabricated by your dentist and is placed over your teeth for a given amount of time, after which, another aligner is then used. This continues, with one aligner after another used to slowly move the teeth into position. The only time you remove the aligner is when you’re brushing or flossing your teeth — conventional braces require using special toothbrushes and flossing tools — and also when you’re eating. Typically, though, it’s recommended that you wear the aligner for all but one hour each day. The price of Invisalign is approximately the same as conventional braces. 

Want a more beautiful, straighter smile?  Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Farinas-Han at Smiles by Bergen Dental! Smiles by Bergen Dental is conveniently located in Midland Park New Jersey, within minutes from Ridgewood, Wyckoff, Glen Rock, Paramus, Ramsey, Allendale, Saddle River, Upper Saddle River, and Franklin Lakes.