What you should know about an Abfraction


Abfraction is a common wedge shape area of tooth loss near the gum line. This damage is caused by bruxism (teeth grinding), miss alignment, and erosion due to acidic factors. Treatments recommended for abfraction areas are, composite restorations (white fillings, also known as bondings), Night Guard wear to protect dentition from Bruxism during the night, and teeth alignment, for example with Invisalign. Teeth alignment, in particular, is a very effective and more permanent treatment. Gum tissue and bone architecture in the oral cavity are meant to follow a passive, scalloped pattern. Once crowding, teeth rotations, spacing and traumatic forces from a misaligned bite are present, every area of the mouth begins to show signs of wear. Gum tissue is usually receded, inflamed, plaque buildup, and bone loss are common due to miss alignment. Chipping of teeth or more severe fractures are also seen in areas of deep abfraction lesions due to incorrect alignment and unwanted forces. It is important to remember that deep abfraction lesions can lead to sensitivity, decay, nerve damage, and fracture.


Contact our office to discuss these various procedures and to see what will work best for you and your smile. Want a more beautiful, straighter smile?  Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Farinas-Han at Smiles by Bergen Dental!

Smiles by Bergen Dental is conveniently located in Midland Park New Jersey, within minutes from Ridgewood, Wyckoff, Glen Rock, Paramus, Ramsey, Allendale, Saddle River, Upper Saddle River, and Franklin Lakes. 

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